Go Make $1

Freelancing Fundamentals Uh… Nobody cares. Nobody who might have been your client has lost sleep over [...]

Facebook is Dead

Ask Slashdot: Is There a Good Alternative to Facebook? Long-time Slashdot reader Lauren Weinstein argues [...]

Open Source is Tech’s Explosive Organic Movement

Via The Daily Bell Written for The Daily Bell by Bill Ottman, Co-Founder of minds.com & Schuyler [...]

5 Things That Set Apart Expert Freelancers From Beginners

By Abdullahi Muhammed Imagine you come to a salon to get a haircut. You see [...]

Want To Become A Multi-Millionaire? Do These 15 Things Immediately.

“The greatest reward in becoming a millionaire is not the amount of money that you [...]

Why UX Writing Is a Thing Now

  If you work in design, you’ve probably noticed by now the wave of “UX [...]

Most Limits Exist Only In Our Minds

Authored by Adam Taggart via PeakProsperity.com, Roger Bannister died last week. Even if you don’t [...]

What are Twitter Lead Generation cards?



Hangover Hacks You Can Hang Your Hat On

By Dr. Mercola On New Year’s Eve, Americans drink more alcohol than on any other [...]

Google Testing A Red “Slow” Label In The Search Results For Slower Sites

Is your site unusually slow? Google is testing a red slow label in the search [...]