Freelance Web Designer Salary

freelance web designer salary

As a freelance web designer, your salary can vary from project to project. If you are working on one main project, it is easy to calculate your salary. Then, you can spread out what you charge your client over a year. For example, if you charge your client 10K/Month, your yearly salary would be 120K/year.

This would be ideal for its simplicity. More often, if you are freelance you may be working on many projects with different starting and ending dates making it much more difficult to calculate and plan for your expenses month to month. This is why freelance employees need to charge a premium.

freelance web design salary
Freelance Web Designer Salary

If you plan on working for different clients each month, you may not be able to start and end each project exactly at the beginning and end of each month. You may need to charge enough to have some additional savings on hand in case a project takes longer than a month to complete or a client dosen’t pay you on time.

Another way to charge clients is to have a retainer. A monthly or weekly fee to retain your services. This would allow you to have a reliable paycheck every month and divide your work schedule up between multiple clients.

How do freelance graphic designer salaries in the USA compare with other countries?

Graphic designer salary in Canada

Salary Estimates according to PayScale are between
$35k–59k per year in Canada for Graphic Designers

The salary range estimates for Toronto, Canada on Glassdoor are slightly higher at $34k–68k per year.

Salary Estimates for Graphic Designers in the United States are slightly higher than in Canada.

PayScale estimates between $34k–65k per year for Graphic Designers in the United States. estimates between $40k–74k per year for Graphic Artists/Designer in the United States.

ZipRecruiter estimates that entry level graphic designer can earn $25k–45k per year in the United States.

ERI Economic Research Institute says that the average hourly rate for graphic designers is between $25–39 per hour in the United States.

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